We design revolutionary consumer entertainment attractions that physically put participants into what amounts to a real-life video game experience.

Participants actively play through a narrative experience consisting of physical, mental, and skillful challenges within fully immersive and expertly themed arenas. People of all ages can run, jump, crawl, and play through these arenas for hours on end with every action they take inside the game tracked, recorded, quantified, and scored in real time. For the first time ever, our attractions allow players to be fully immersed as the leading character in their favorite adventure.

Each Game Complex attraction features the world’s most high-tech Hollywood sets, quite literally real-life and full-sized gamified arenas of your favorite movie & TV show environments. Attractions also provide a one-of-a-kind spectator experience, allowing spectators to enjoy high-end food and beverages while watching family and friends play through the experience. Game Complex is truly the evolution of out-of-home entertainment for the whole family.

“The Game Complex platform is a unique combination of proprietary technology and an approach that remains authentic to gaming principles. Moreover, the concept is strongly aligned with where we at Select Contracts believe the leisure and attraction industry needs to move in order to remain relevant in the face of a dramatically changing demographic structure.”
Chris Sutton, CEO of Select Contracts

Select Contracts is a specialized company that designs, builds, and operates all types of leisure and entertainment projects for their partners. Select Contracts concentrates on being able to take any type of leisure and entertainment project from concept through to completion, and furthermore into ongoing operation. Select Contracts has been an industry leader for over 39 years, having designed, built, and operated over 300 different attractions globally.

The Game Complex platform features our advanced technology stack that produces unique, highly customized, and fully immersive attractions that can be replicated globally.

Custom Technology

Each attraction uses a custom technology stack developed to produce the attraction’s experience and game design.

Highly Scalable

Attractions have a wide range of scalability to be suitable for parents to play with their kids, or very hard for the adventurous type.


Attractions can be designed around existing entertainment brands, allowing these brands to come to life as an immersive experience for customers and fans.

Continual Progession

The experience, narrative, and gameplay of each attraction allow for building customers that frequent the attraction multiple times a year for years on end.


The platform supports indoor, outdoor, and hybrid attraction types.